Dimensions of the floating seal | ØDi = 223.5mm; ØDa = 252mm; L = 38mm |
Dimensions of the housing | Ødmax = 220mm; ØD = 256.6mm; ØD1 = 255.7mm; ØD3 = 238mm; L1 = 18mm; L2min = 20mm; L4 = 3.1mm; R1 = 6.4mm; I = 3mm |
Temperature | -60°C/+120°C |
Pressure | 0.30 MPa In Alloy Cast Iron In Dynamic Applications
0.50 MPa In Static Applications |
Speed | 3.5 m/s |
Medias | Oil lubrication
Grease lubrication SAE 80 – SAE 90 SAE 20W20 – 10W40 oils Biocompatible oils |
Metal friction rings | 15Cr3MoNi alloy cast iron |
O’Ring | NBR 60 – 65 Shore A |
APPLICATIONS | Construction machinery
Excavator rollers Rigid axles on tractors Gear boxes Steering axles |